Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Brown Eyes (Penguin Reader)

(Students' writings)


Peter fought with Stephen and Stephen was very hurt. Susan called medical service and Stephen was taken to hospital.
There, he met a nurse named Mary.
Mary took care of him with great affection. Then Stephen fell madly in love with the nurse.
And everyone was happy ever after!


Suddenly, I heard a voice. Susan’s voice! She was calling me, and I started looking for her. So, I opened my eyes, and realized that she was right beside me, in the bed. 

- Honey, wake up! It’s late!

- Where... where am I? – I said.

She laughed.

- We are at the Hotel Vista, of course.

- Please, please – I said, desperately – Let’s go back home! I had a nightmare...

- What happened? – She asked. – We arrived here today, and on Tuesday we'll celebrate our thirteenth relationship anniversary since our first date!
- I dreamed that there was one man trying to be me, and he ended up killing you and sending me to prison! Please, it was so real, we have to get away from here.
- So... OK, we'll go home. Pick up your things.
The next day, we came back home. After that, I knew that a man was arrested due to ideological falsehood.


‘Prison?’, I said. ‘Why?’

'Because you shot Susan’, he said.

‘I didn’t...’

‘You will,’ he said. ‘Watch!’ And he turned and put the gun at Susan’s head.

At this moment, everybody was surprised by the FBI men getting in through the windows, holding guns and shouting: ‘Mr. Stephen Griggs, drop this gun and put your hands upon the head!!!!’

When we realized, we were surrounded by agents and in the middle of an official FBI investigation.

The crazy man with a mask of my face finally dropped the gun and put his hands in the air, and the agents came closer and took off the mask that was hiding his real face.
Now, we can breathe with relief. The FBI took him away, arrested.

‘Oh my God, Peter! I was so scared, this man is a psychopath’, Susan said and then came over to me.

Mr. Bond, the head of the operation, started to explain to us: ‘I know you’re scared, but this operation was TOP SECRET. We were trying to find out who this guy is and why he was wearing a mask of your face, Mr. Reed.’

‘How did you know that this man wasn't me, Mr. Bond?’ I asked him at the same time.

‘You’re a known person in this city, Mr. Reed. This man that was pretending to be you is a different man at all the ways. I talked with Mrs. Brown, and her suspicion was right! We started to investigate this case three weeks ago, and now we've successfully finished this!’

‘I don’t know how to thank you, Mr. Bond. You saved our lives!’ Susan said.

He left the room, and we finally felt safe, but confused with all that mess.


Susan and Peter Brown stayed in the room at the Hotel Vista. When they looked at the photograph, they remembered how happy they were when they met.

The other man arrived at the room and said:
- I arrived in the city and I wore the mask so that I didn't call people’s attention in Lea-on-Sea. I brought our friends to celebrate your wedding day.


...Soon after that, Susan said she was not happy with him, and Stephen got angry.
- Ok... but if you are not happy with me, you will not be with anyone else. Stephen exclaimed pointing the gun.
That's when Peter decided to act, and without hesitation he tried to take the gun out of Stephen's hand. They started an intense struggle to take possession of the gun, then they heard a noise. It was the gunshot hitting Susan.

-Look what you did! Peter shouted to Stephen.
Stephen was scared and dropped the gun close to Peter, who soon caught it. Without thinking, Peter shot Stephen, killing him.
Peter did not know what to do, because his beloved wife was dead in his arms, he had just killed Stephen and the police were on the way, as Stephen had planned. The only thing Peter could do was to cry ...

When the police arrived, they saw Peter with a gun in his hand and two people dead.
- ‘Freeze or I'll shoot.’ - the first officer who entered said.
- ‘Leave me alone.’ - Peter said, raising his hand with the gun.
The police interpreted that Peter would shoot them, and then opened fire on Peter, killing him.

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